Another six hours of decent sleep Friday night, this time cut short by my need to run a few early-ish errands Saturday morning. It didn’t hurt since I knew I had the day wide open and could take a nap if I wanted.
I had to choose between efficient use of my time and efficient use of my milage. I opted for time. Got to Young’s shortly after it opened and didn’t wait behind anyone in line. Hawaiian combo, even though I just had Hawaiian food Monday. I was just craving it.
Then to H-Mart for a bunch of kimchi, bean sprouts, and baby bok choi. Then to Hawaiian Pie Company for a pumpkin-custard pie. Then to a nearby credit union to get cash for the rent, but the stupid ATM there has recently refused to dole out the money. It’s my second visit in a few days and both time it wouldn’t cough it up. I hate it when ATMs only tell you they can’t give you the money but don’t tell you what the problem is.
So I went to 7-Eleven, where I was going anyway for a money order, but had to use the ATM there with a $3.75 fee, plus the $1 my credit union charges me. Annoying, but whatever.
It all took maybe half an hour and it was a lot of stuff ticked off my list before 10:00. I had a feeling all that efficient productivity would make me more likely to enjoy idleness the rest of the day. Not to mention gluttony.
The combo was good for breakfast and lunch with a cinammon roll for dinner. Yeah, yeah. I know.
Spent most of the day writing. And napping. Listened to a lot of Rush music just because it’s good to have in the background while I’m writing and napping. Right before bed I made some kimchi dip and kind of had that for dinner, too, with some slightly stale tortilla chips.
I went to bed at one, hoping for eight hours of sleep before Sunday’s first football game.
I had a deliberately text-free day. I would have been fine responding to others’ messages but I wanted a day completely to myself. It was nice. A good, quiet, mellow day with some decent writing and good food.
Sunday there are only two football games. Big ones. But they’ll be over before dinner, leaving me a lot of time to do hurry-up-before-the-weekend-ends stuff. It’s an annual tension for me: loving football all season but also looking forward to getting those hours back Sundays.
I’m considering slowing down on social media and texting, not to withdraw (as is my want) but just to focus on a few things before the end of the month. Still, I’m always here for the texts, even if I may not initiate them much. So if you need someone to connect with, leave a comment. I’m finding I need it a leeeeeettle less than usual, lately, but hey. That’s likely to change at any moment! Don’t be disconnected unwillingly.