Because I was up so late doing newsletter stuff Tuesday, I was a mess Wednesday as well. Mad cycle.
We kind of moved the staff newsletter edits up a few days because one of us is taking Monday and Tuesday off, but our original deadline for submissions was Friday, so even though I submitted my edits late Tuesday night, a lot of Wednesday was working on late content. Not officially late, but late for our new workflow. It was okay. I think the first draft came out great.
I also finally reworked this UH Athletics proposal I’d been sitting on for a few days, then thought it might not fly, so I made a second reworked proposal and submitted two parallel drafts. I was right. We went with the second, while I felt the first was a lot more readable.
More early proposal conversation trickled in. I think I now have three proposals on their way to me, so this coming week could be a little crazy.
There was some emailing about our book discussion group’s selection, too. That was fun.
Yes, I took a short, intense nap after work just to get my brain back on track, then got up, ate dinner, and went back to bed early, like around 9:30. Laundry was plan.
I got up an hour earlier than my alarm and just went with it. Packed up the laundry and my Kindle and headed down to that crappy laundry in Kapalama, which was at least quite a bit less messy this time.
It was a lot busier than my first time! Ack. People were cool about trying to keep their distance, but that’s a narrow room. I was quick about loading the laundry, then escaped to the parking lot, where I ate a Big Mac combo on the trunk of my car while I read A Pho Love Story.
That part of the experience was nice. It was a cool, slightly breezy early morning. The food was delicious, the Diet Coke refreshing, and the reading very entertaining. I thought of two Vietnamese families I know with kids who might like to read it, so I put two hard copies in my Amazon shopping cart. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but I think I will.
I spent a mini fortune on the wash, and not only because it’s so dang pricey there. I did a few more loads than usual, but whatever. In a few weeks I’ll most likely be taking my laundry to the folks’ on weekends and doing it there.
As crappy as this laundromat is, I have to say it’s nice to be down and back in two hours. That’s at least an hour less than when I was driving to Manoa. Although I’d still rather be doing my wash there, at least the tradeoff isn’t entirely against me with this new situation. I could have been back in bed by 5:15 but I watched the morning news first for some stupid reason and got to bed closer to 6:00.
Breakfast was lazy burritos, lunch was hot dogs, and dinner was mini waffles from the waffle batter I bought at Liliha Bakery. They were so good I didn’t put anything on them, just ate them at my kitchen counter as they came out of the iron. I’d eat one while the next was in the iron. Not a healthy eating day for sure.
Crush Girl and I texted about books quite a bit Wednesday. That was nice. Sharon asked me a work question, this one about my friend Ryan who I introduced her to. I texted Tiger to ask if she’s received her shots yet (not yet). I also texted with Sylvia a little about books, since she’s participating in the book discussion.
That was Wednesday. Kind of a draining day, but they were all kind of draining this week except for Monday, which I remind myself was quite nice.
Leave a comment. If you want someone to connect with. I’m a texting machine lately and you can slide right in if you need someone.