I’m writing about Tuesday at 4:12 in the morning Thursday. Consequently, the details may be hazy, fabricated, or simply glossed over in the interest of some kind of accuracy.
Got up early and hit the beach. It was especially lovely in the fifteen minutes right before the sun came up. I hadn’t been in the ocean since Friday morning, when my goal is not to go more than two days. So I swam pretty hard and stayed in the water a little longer.
I picked up breakfast on the way home, another P&W omelette from Pancakes and Waffles. It was enough food to cover lunch, too.
I started the workday with an email to my supervisor asking for one day’s indulgence. I was frustrated with myself for being unable to make the a donor story look the way I wanted. I knew it was probably fine as it was, but I’m struggling against writing these things so they all look alike, despite a long list of reasons not to worry about it. She understood. She knows I get into these pits of creative despair. At least I recognized it this time and could advocate for a little bit of leeway. I consider this progress.
Aaaaaand I spent the day with writer’s paralysis. It sucked.
I had the Oakland Athletics playoff game with the White Sox on while I tried to write. It actually soothed me and got me in a good mindspace, despite the Athletics’ losing the stupid game.
A couple of times, I muted the game and tried to put the presidential debate on the TV, but I just couldn’t bear it for more than a minute at a time, so I just gave up. Right after, though, I did enjoy watching Twitter explode.
Washed and sterilized my water jugs. Packed my laundry. Ate a few potato chips and a few maple creme Oreos and went to bed early.
There was some decent texting Tuesday. Sylvia woke up to find the water in her apartment was shut off, so we had a few amusing exchanges. Some kind of emergency elsewhere on the property. Jennifer sent me another otter video. Very cute. Crush Girl and I commiserated about our respective work-related travails. And we talked about food, of course. Right before bed, I texted Ryan to tell him I’d edit the Hawaii Stories content while doing my laundry, which is why I didn’t write this then.
You could be in on this sparkling digital communication too, if you need someone to connect with in these cloudy coronadays. A little friendly reminder that you don’t have to go through any of this miserable crap alone. Just leave a comment.