I don’t know why I was expecting the new Mountain Goats album to be less than outstanding, but I was, and it is. I need to spin it again, of course. And probably again, with a lyrics sheet. So far, however, I don’t really like the sound of this one.
I’m intentionally not listening to the new Bruce Springsteen until Sunday evening, perhaps after the football games.
I slept decenlty but not well Friday night. Lingered a little too long in bed, reading the news on my phone then dragged myself up to do some writing and to pick up a pie. Apple. Oh, and some garlic ahi poke for lunch and dinner.
I did the Sunday NYT crossword. A 31-minute DNF because of one area where an answer from a foreign language I don’t know (vaca) and a historical figure I’ve never encountered (Nitti) crossed a species of tree I’ve neither seen or heard of (live oak). Although the crossword blogs didn’t indicate anyone else had my problem, the consensus rating is around 2.5 out of 5, so I’m not the only solver who didn’t love this one.
I took a short nap, then got up and made mochi for the first time. I forgot to cover it with foil as I baked it, so it was a little hard on its pink surface at first. However, after storing it it over night, it’s just a little stiff on top. Still pretty yummy. I have to get better at slicing it into pieces, as evident in this photo.
Then I settled in with some mochi, ice water, and that cozy mystery. And I read for four hours. I haven’t done this much sustained reading since sometime last year, and it was glorious. Got halfway through and enjoyed the reckless abandon of staying up super late with just a book.
I’ve written in this space about how I haven’t done much reading since the lockdown began, but I also have been on a break from cozy mysteries for a few years. I don’t know why. Jumping into this one, I was reminded of how fun they are to read and how difficult they are to put down. I’m back on the cozy mystery train, which is good because I have many in my physical and electronic book stacks.
Cindy asked the Cindy-Suzanne-Julie group text where to get soft serve besides Dairy Queen. I gave her a list of places I’ve tried. It was a fun conversation, and it was nice to find some places I haven’t tried yet. Someday, when we’re okay to go out again.
I also traded short texts with Ali and Crush Girl. Nothing especially gripping, but it was nice to have the contact.
Breakfast was a slice of peach-pear pie and a couple of hot dogs with ketchup, mustard, and sauerkraut. Lunch was the poke with fresh hapa rice. Dinner was more of the same.
A decent, mellow Saturday. I have a little bit of work to do Sunday, and I’m expecting to be very, very tired, but I’m hoping also to spend more time with my book.
Leave a comment if you don’t have adequate connectivity in these, the dismal days of the pandemic. I may look up from my book long enough to respond. 🙂