Lockdown: Unplanned phone-vegging

I slept okay Friday night but made myself get up earlier than I wanted. I don’t know why. I knew I wasn’t going for Hawaiian food, or more accurately I decided if I was going for Hawaiian food I didn’t have to be there right when it opened.

I had a lot of stuff on the to-do list and I think that’s what it was. Got off to a good start, too. Wrote the lockdown journal, left comments on some Friday 5 participants’ blogs, did the Saturday NYT crossword, read the news.

Made a fresh pot of quinoa and had it with canned sardines. It was good. I gave The Apple a second viewing and decided some of its badness is intentional but definitely not all of it, and part of the fun for me is deciding which stuff is intentionally bad and which is just bad-judgment bad.

I did a couple of very quick chores, then drove to Waiakamilo Drive-In for dinner. I bought two burgers and some chili cheese fries, thinking I’d save the second burger for some time later. So far I’d only had the sardines and quinoa, plus clementines and dried apricots.

It was a pretty good dinner (or late lunch) but then I had to lie down for a nap, and once I went to bed I really didn’t want to get up. I phone-vegged for hours and didn’t even enjoy most of it. Dang it. I still had writing projects to work on.

So this is how most of the evening passed. I forced myself up at just past midnight, journaled about Friday, ate the second burger, did the minimum cleanup, went back to bed with some podcasts, and basically didn’t fall asleep until after three. Ugh.

I texted Penny to give her some advice on purchasing MS Office, which led to some talk about using iTunes to back up our phones. Let Gwen know I might not be able to meet her Monday. Jennfer sent me some cool links, which I actually opened right away (except the last one), plus some photos of her apartment decor. Crush Girl texted me from doing a long errand, which led to a brief conversation. Then she texted me later to ask me a question about something I mentioned Friday. That was nice — she hasn’t recently expressed any curiosity about (or interest in) my life, and conversations have felt a little one-sided lately.

Don’t get mad. I don’t know why you would, since you don’t know the details, but I’m imagining if you did you would get mad. I texted Ali a little tentative attempt at seeing if we’re cool. I just texted, “Hey.” I do not expect to hear back, and it’s okay. I just think I’ll be more at peace with things ending if I made the last gesture of conciliation.

Because the new year tends to be a very slow time for good new music releases, I’ve spent the last few weeks replaying all the 2020 stuff so I can finalize my best-of lists. It’s been pretty fun, and it’s led to some side trips too. I adjusted some of my ratings — the Katatonia album isn’t as good as I originally rated it, which makes me sad because it was my most-anticipated album of the year; meanwhile the Kvelertak album is even better than I remembered it — and hope to have my final list by the end of February. Well, not final. But sort of final before sharing.

Got more stuff to write before the weekend’s up. Some of it will show up here.

Leave a comment if you need someone to connect with. Don’t pandemic untethered!

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