Can’t stop spinning the Armored Saint album. It’s really good. Just give this song a try.
I’ve been less stressed at work but I’m still behind on stuff. I thought I could catch up Sunday when I was at the office. Then a couple of last-minute things came in. A donor I tried to set a date with this week wanted to talk late Friday. A development officer had a very last-minute proposal she was writing but I was editing and formatting.
I thought I did okay, but it turned out I wasn’t productive enough Monday. I wonder if there’s a time difference between my perception and reality. With the terrible sleep I got Sunday night, I wouldn’t be surprised.
I got through the day okay. There was an email reply from the author whose book I got an advance copy of. She answered my question, saying no, the edition I read was not the version that’s being released when the novel drops. It was unproofed but was already being proofed, and if I noticed anything I was welcome to share my observations. Of course I’m going to send her all my edit suggestions. It’s going to take all week, probably, although I did take good notes in the second half of the novel.
I went to the Taco Bell drive-through for breakfast. I don’t know why. Just a bit unmotivated, I think, to take care of meals in a better way. I have ingredients for Portuguese bean soup in my fridge, which I have plans for Wednesday evening. I had a slice of apple pie for lunch. It was goooooood. Then I hit the Korean take-out for dinner. A meat jun plate and a veggie plate for later. Korean veggies keep pretty well.
After some thought this weekend, I decided to give NaNoWriMo another go. Checked in on the website, when Chrome told me my PW was compromised on that site and thirteen others. Most of the websites don’t even exist anymore, so I just deleted the stored passwords from Chrome. Then logged in on the other sites and updated my PWs. It wasn’t painful, but it took a while.
Oh, I suddenly remember why I was up so late. I took a nap after dinner and didn’t get up until about nine. I felt great! Bad news, of course. I thought I might try to go back to bed, but I remembered that it was trash-to-the-curb night and I hadn’t done any decluttering.
I lugged one large tub to the carport and gave it a quick look. It was all books I plan to keep, so the whole tub went into my storage space in my laundry room. That might not sound like much, but moving a tub from my living room to a storage space is a big deal as I try to turn my living room into a more habitable space.
Of course I had time for another tub. This was full of stuff from my teaching days, circa 2007 and 2008. Teaching materials, old documents and forms, stuff like that. Even lesson plans. I threw most of it out but kept some. I photographed some and tossed it after. As long as I have the photographic record I don’t need the actual documents on some of this stuff.
That was a good pile of stuff to go through — the stuff I consider typical of what remains. Stuff I thought I needed to hang onto when I thought I would be teaching again someday. It felt good to send it to HPOWER. And it felt good to remember my days in the classroom., days when I was doing something I’m good at.
All that clearing out was before my password resetting adventures. I may also have added a few cozy mysteries to my Amazon cart to consider later. Truth is, I have quite a few unread cozy mysteries in my stack, and I don’t need to add anymore. I just felt this urge to kind of symbolize my jumping back on the train with a few more books.
Penny and I texted a little about cozy mysteries again. Sylvia and I chatted on a couple of different platforms about Biki riding. Ali sent me a text to tell me she got a 100 on her latest paper. Sharon and I talked about Drew Barrymore. Did you know she has a new daytime talk show? It’s kind of strange but it’s a hundred percent Drew Barrymore, and I adore her. But you can see how spot-on all the SNL impressions of her are.
You know what? I think I may just have to deal with terrible sleep, cozy mystery obsession, and laziness in the kitchen for one more week. I won’t say anything about after a week’s time because I want neither to jinx anything nor get my hopes up, but I am fricking miserable about all kinds of things related to next Tuesday. The word for the next week is survival.
Whatever you’re hanging onto by your fingernails, if you need someone to share it with, just hit me up in comments. I absolutely do not want to talk about current events, but I’ll text with you about whatever you’re doing to deal with them.