I got decent sleep Sunday night, crawled to the desk, and immediately got busy with some editing, first on something for the medical school and then for something on Maui. Turned them around quickly and drove to Taco Bell for breakfast. It was yummy. I worked on a couple of other stories, neither to completion, and then posted a press release to the website. Late in the day, the med school thing came back with new content, so I suggest more edits. Not my most productive day, but busy enough. And the two DOs I worked with were thankful for my help, so that was nice.
Amazon Claus brought the Jimi Hendrix Live in Maui double CD. I pretty much listened to that all day. Then I listened to the football game until the news came on.
It was trash-to-the-curb night and I hadn’t done any decluttering work all week, so I let the NaNo Skypers chat with each other. I went though a large box of file folders and tossed almost the whole thing, then did a sweep of the house, just grabbing stuff and throwing it in the trash. Also cleaned out the fridge, tossing a few things that had outstayed their welcome. It wasn’t a full bin I rolled to the street Monday night, but (again) it was heavy, and the visual difference it made on my living space is pleasing.
Finally wound down and did a token amount of writing, but nothing worth hanging onto. I tried to set up a reservation via texting to get the defective airbag taken care of, but operators were only at work beginning at eight in the morning. Then I made an appointment to take the car in for an oil change and not a safety inspection, but a general inspection. I mostly want to know how much I have left on my tires and brakes.
Went to bed around one.
For lunch I had the rest of the tofu-spinach salad. There’s a good amount of the dressing left, which I think I’ll have with cold somen in a day or two. I had a very late dinner of a couple of quesadillas. Used the scorpion pepper Tabasco on the first, then just plain cheese in the second. This may be dinner Tuesday too, depending on whether or not I go to the laundry this week, which I don’t think I will. Gotta drop the car off at nine and then walk up the hill or (more likely) grab takeout and take the city bus up the hill. At that hour I think there will be enough distance, if there are other passengers at all.
Jennifer texted me an article about Thermos-branded soup bowls and rice bowls, Japanese style. It’s a great idea. I want to try one for ice cream.
Ali sent me a photo of the bulgogi she made. I checked in on Crush Girl who had what sounded like a good, fun day. It was nice to hear.
It was an okay day. Not especially productive or exciting, but not bad at all. I’ll take it.
Offer for connectivity is still good. Look at the bottom of literally any other post in this category for the info.