Lockdown: Siri, how do I make better use of my time?

Decent sleep Tuesday night did not bode similar rest for Wednesday night, as I couldn’t seem to stay asleep. It was something of a struggle just to stay in bed, so eventually I got up, not well rested but hopeful for a decent nap at lunch.

Predictably, I got off to a slow start at work. I had some new info to put into an online story we already published, and it took me a while to decide how best to slip it in. I think I did okay with it, but maybe spent longer on it than I should have. I took care of some business, setting up a (hopefully short!) phone meeting. Someone emailed asking for help brainstorming titles for a new event (old event, actually, in need of a new name), an exercise I love. Takes some time, though. Had my weekly one-on-one with the supervisor (via phone), then helped a development officer with a new proposal.

The day went long, but I didn’t mind since I worked so inefficiently. I wonder sometimes if I’d be a lot better at my job if it were punctuated throughout the workday with school bells. Even when I was teaching, I had my Macbook set to announce the time every half hour. “It’s eleven thirty,” the voice would say, and it would help me stay on track.

When I had my SmartBoard, with my Macbook plugged into it, some of my classes would keep an eye on the clock and try to say it in unison with (and with the same inflections as) the computer: it’s eleven thirty. Pretty funny stuff. They never quite matched it, but I was always amused.

I have Siri set to her Indian English accent. I recommend it.

After work I resisted a nap and listened to music while I did a little bit of writing. Read some news while I ate a late dinner, tidied up a little, and went to bed shortly after midnight. I was actually ready for bed at eleven but kind of dragged my feet getting there. Fell asleep, as nearly always, with podcasts playing.

Breakfast-slash-lunch was a ridiculously generous serving of angel hair pasta with canned red sauce (with gin, garlic powder, brown sugar, olive oil), followed by yet another ridiculously generous serving of the same. Dinner was kimchi stew.

If you’ve been on needles and pins about my soft tofu, left Saturday in my automobile’s hot trunk for five hours, you can breathe now. The soft tofu (with a much later shelf date) was delicious and still fresh-tasting. You wouldn’t have guessed it had been so horribly neglected.

I had a few texts with Crush Girl about our weekends and what we’re reading. Cathy texted me to talk about writing critique. I had some work texts from Julie (about that proposal I worked on).

That’s it. I’m out. Bye. Leave a comment if you want someone to connect with. You know the drill; and if you don’t, just read the ends of the last few entries!

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